Name: René de Lorraine
Born: 1583
Died: 1633
Traits: Industrious, Lonely, Meticulous, Amiable, Impulsive
Romantic History: Unknown
Wife: Athelina d'Albon de Lorraine
Aspiration: Family
Character Alignment: Virtuous
Rang: Baron
The moment someone sees René it's simple to realize that he's a noble in name only, just like many other nobles from countryside.His thought stature and callous finger, along with his indurate character show a man used to destitution and hard-work.Born and raised on his family's domains, René never saw Paris or the Royal Court and never had the chance to be well off .Not that he ever complained about those aspect of his existence.
No one really understood his reasons when he decided to marry a noble young woman who's more accustomed to flirt and be admired that to work hard, but no one had the courage to call in question his actions.

Jacqueline de Lorraine (1616)
Albert de Lorraine (1618)
2 comentarii:
Eeeek! It looks like Barbe Lefebre has all the bad traits! She's dishonest, foolish, garrulous, and is a backbiter! All those qualities are not very ladylike and polite!
As a character, though, that's going to be interesting! Can't wait to see how Barbe's personality influences the family! XD
Well, she just started an affair with the young Baron de Valois (Remont) and I already have a couple of ideas for her ^^ Maybe the next round something will happen and her life will dramatically change forever ^^
But no, she's not evil ... I don't like evil characters ^^" (but there will be some in my game ... even if I don't know how I will add them or what they are gonna do >.> ).She's just ... a little unhappy and foolish ... maybe a little envious too.
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