vineri, 28 octombrie 2011

Fall 1600-1604

Although scandals were a common thing in their first year of marriage, almost all their servants whispering at the doors about their master's violent outbreaks, Gotelana managed to keep her husband faithful to her.

That wasn't exactly a beneficial thing to her, because in those 4 years she gave birth to two daughter and two sons.

Gotelana and her oldest daughter, Alesia d'Albon.


Even so, their impulsive characters seemed to complete each other's and each of their fight ended with a passionate day spend in the bedroom, with their doors locked (the main reason why the Marquise gave birth to so many children in few years).

The Marquise used to be a very wise lady for her times.


At the same time, Ida, the Kitchen Maid, carefully supervised the Marquise, assisting her at each of the 4 births and helping her deliver 3 healthy children.

Ida, with the couple's oldest daughter.


The Kitchen Maid




Unfortunately, in 1604, the 29 yeard old Marquise died giving birth to a baby boy and leaving a devastated husband, who refused to see anyone else and locked himself in his bedroom.

Fall 1600-1604

Binet, leaving for a few weeks.As a merchant, he travels a lot.


Gervaise, expecting her first child.


Gervaise with her first-born-son, Binet.He's a very healthy boy, although he doesn't seem too smart for his age.Even so, his parents are happy that he survived until now and, unlike many other families, they haven's lost any child.


Binet in his crib.


Gervaise, taking care of her daughter, Juliote.Unfortunately, few years from now on, her parents will discover the girl's poor mental health.


Gervaise with her other daughter, Lorence, a healthy baby girl.


House of d'Albon


Name: Guigues Levieux d'Albon
Born: 1573
Traits: Cold, Secretive, Attractive, Arrogant, Dominating, Intelligent, Brave
Romantic History: Gotelana d'Albon (ex-wife ; deceased), secret affairs with different married ladies
Wife: None
Aspiration: Fortune
Character Alignment: Evil
Rang: Marquis

At first sight, Guigues' romantic looks, with his big blue eyes and messy hair would make it hard for you to read his personality.No one would ever suspect his coldness or arrogance.
Guigues is intelligent, forceful and determined, unlike many nobles of his days, but he's also cruel, vindictive and treacherous.He loves politics, but his character made it difficult for anyone to trust him, so he was banished from the French Court, being forced to live on his domains in the countryside.


Name: Gotelana d'Albon de Parthenay
Born: 1575
Died: 1604 (childbirth)
Traits: Feminine, Charming, Intelligent, Ambitious, Alluring, Fashionable, Materialistic
Romantic History: Jean l'Archevêque de Parthenay (ex-husband ; deceased)
Husband: Guigues Levieux d'Albon
Aspiration: Fortune
Character Alignment: Neutral
Rang: Marquise

In 1590, at age fifteen, Gotelana married Jean l'Archevêque de Parthenay, a rich but old French count.By the age of 20 she was already a charming and filthy rich widow, possessing a castle in the countryside, few residences in Paris and also an unblemished reputation.And she could have lived like this for many years if she wouldn't have met the charming but machiavellian Marquis d'Albon.Everything about him attracted the young widow: his charming voice, his God-like body, his blond hair and, more than anything, hist scandalous reputation around the Court.And somehow, somewhere, into a blend of heated passion and blackmail, the two of them became husband and wife.


Name: Marie Victoire de Noailles
Born: 1586
Traits: Materialistic, Stubborn, Curious, Superficial, Emotional, Idealistic, Spoiled, Childish
Romantic History: At the French Court, Marie Victoire was admired and desired by many nobles, but she remained a pure girl for her husband (or she managed to keep her affairs secret).
Husband: Guigues Levieux d'Albon
Aspiration: Popularity
Character Alignment: Neutral
Rang: Born as a Countess, she later married into the House of d'Albon and became a Marquise.
Even if her mother was a well known courtesan in the French Court and her father was one of her mother's ex-lovers, this thing didn't seem to bother or embarrass young Marie Victoire.She grew up accustomed to the luxury in the Royal Palace and became used to be served and respected by everyone as the old King's protegee.After the King's death and before Philip's crowning, her mother sensed the troubles that were going to arrive for her and her daughter, so she sold her properties in and around Paris and left, sending, at the same time, her daughter in a Convent.Few years later, when everything was calmer and everyone seemed to have forgotten all the scandalous gossips about her affairs, Marie Victoire's mother, Marie-Françoise, arrived at the court as the new Countess de Bournonville.But the courtesan's plans for her daughter were different from a chaste life spent in an Ursuline Convent, so she arranged her daughter's marriage with the recently widowed Marquis d'Albon.

Alesia d'Albon (1600)
Athelina d'Albon (1601)
Guiques d'Albon (1602)
Eudon d'Albon (1604)
Isabelle d'Albon (1608)
Sophie d'Albon (1608)
Antoine d'Albon (1616)



Name: Ida Lantos
Born: 1570
Died: 1622
Traits: Hard Working, Mature, Loyal, Stubborn
Romantic History: Unknown
Husband: None
Aspiration: Family
Character Alignment: Neutral
Class: Kitchen Maid

Ida was born and raised in Hungary, in a peasant family, so no one knows too much about her.She was already in Gotelana's ex-husband's service, the Count de Parthenay and she remained to work for his widow after the Count's death, also coming with her after her marriage.Now her duty is to take care of her master's children and supervise all the workers from the nobleman's kitchens.

sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2011

The Boucher Family


Name: Binet Boucher
Born: 1577
Traits: Trustworthy, Hard working, Impatient, Ambitious, Bold, Reserved
Romantic History: None
Wife: Gervaise Boucher
Aspiration: Fortune
Character Alignment: Virtuous
Class: Merchant
Even if he married Gervaise only because she belonged to a very wealthy family, Binet tries to be a good husband and father.Being a merchant isn't exactly an easy thing, especially when you have to be away from home for days, but the money he earns provide the food for his growing family.


Name: Gervaise Boucher
Born: 1577
Died: 1623
Traits: Reserved, Quiet, Hard Working, Simple, Idealistic, Shy
Romantic History: None
Husband: Binet Boucher
Aspiration: Knowledge
Character Alignment: Evil
Class: Merchant

Gervaise comes from a wealthy family of merchant, so everyone was sure that she was going to marry someone above her station.When her parents received Binet's proposal of marriage they didn't even bothered to consider it, but it just seemed like their daughter had different plans.
She got pregnant with Binet's child so she had to marry him.Now she spends most of the time at home, taking care of their children and sewing dresses for noble ladies.

Binet Boucher (1601)
Juliote Boucher (1602)
Lorence Boucher (1603)
Martine Boucher (1605)
Andry Boucher (1610)

duminică, 9 octombrie 2011

Fall 1600-1604

Life in the Royal Court was a very pleasant one, even for the servants.

Blanche, the Queen's midwife and her husband, Johan the groomer, enjoying a quiet dinner, in the early reign of King Philip de Croy.


Until the royal family's first born arrived, Blanche, the midwife was in charge of the house.She had to supervise the other servants and make sure everything is perfect for the King and his wife.


In this time, King Philip and his wife, Queen Isabella seemed more in love than ever.Even if at the beginning it was just an arranged marriage, a contract between France and Spain, the two monarchs fell in love at the first sign.


Isabella's gentle nature and suave smile charmed the young King, who never believed that he'll met a girl like her.Of course, for the young heiress of Spain it was the same.She fell in love with her fiancé's candor.

Even if both of them were young and life as the rules of a big country was a difficult one, they managed to deal with everything.With the help of council, of course.

Queen Isabella, expecting her first child.


Queen Isabella's first pregnancy was a smooth one and even if the young future mother was a little worried, Babette, the trusty midwife calmed and helped her with everything.And so their first child, a beautiful baby daughter was born.She was named Blanche, Duchess of Savoy and everyone was delighted with how spirited the baby was.

The Queen, giving birth to her first daughter, carefully supervised by Babette, the midwife.


Resting, after the exhausting birth, while the midwife checks on the newborn.


Despite everyone's oppositions and protests, the Queen insisted to breastfeed her baby and in the end everyone had to accept her stubbornness and admit that she was a wonderful mother.

The King was pleased with the beautiful daughter that his wife gave him and often liked to watch Isabella spending time with the baby, singing lullabies or telling tales.Even so, most of the time he was busy with his attributions as the King.

King Philip, enjoying the luxury of a relaxing bath.


One and a half year later, their first son was born at the midnight.His birth surprised everyone, because he wasn't expected until two months later.Even so, he was a strong baby, full of life.He was named Charles, Prince of France and of Navarre.

Queen Isabella, pregnant with her second child.


The Queen and her daughter.


Life at the Court was an easy one ... for everybody.


sâmbătă, 8 octombrie 2011

The Royal Family


Name: Philip de Croy

Born: 1577

Traits: Trustworthy, Kind, Honest, Confident, Curious, Impulsive

Romantic History: Secret

Wife: Isabella de Croy

Aspiration: Knowledge

Character Alignment: Evil

Rang: King


Name: Isabella de Croy

Born: 1579

Traits: Stubborn, Giving, Practical, Elegant, Passionate

Romantic History: None

Husband: Philip de Croy

Aspiration: Family

Character Alignment: Neutral


Blanche de Croy (1601)

Charles de Croy (1603-1609)

Angelique de Croy (1607)

Cecile de Croy (1609)

Jean Gaston de Croy (1611)

Léonce de Croy (1617)


Pet: Elroy

Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel



Babette Leroy



Johan Leroy




Midwife's Assistant

Summer&Fall 1596-1604

Love and understand sure help you live a better life, can demonstrate Adam and Alips to anyone, because they are the living proof.

When they got married they had nothing.Fortunately, by the time their first daughter was born, the two of them managed to build a shanty somewhere near the village, so the little baby had a cradle to sleep in.They named the baby girl Tiece and simply adored her, spending most of their time watching her, worried that something might happen to her.Tiece survived infancy and became a lovely toddler.

Alips with her newborn, Tiece.



Alips spent most of her time at home, watching the baby, cleaning the house or cooking for her small family, while her husband worked at their crops.


The young wife soon got pregnant again and the two of them couldn't be happier, even in they didn't even know if they can afford to have another baby.

Unfortunately, her second pregnancy proved to be also her last one for Alips, who died giving birth to her and Adam's second daughter, Ysane.

Poor Adam, left to raise alone his two daughters was devastated by his wife's tragic death and was one step away from craziness.


At the same time, the Gypsy Caravan was traveling somewhere near the village and a young gypsy girl knocked at Adam's door one night.He let her spend the night there.And the next night.And the night after that.And she remained in the house, watching the children everytime he had to leave and work or cleaning the house or even cooking for everyone.

Well, seemed like those weren't her only responsibilities, because some months later, the girl gave birth to a baby boy, whom she named Renost (the baby also got her surname, even if in the village there was a rumor that he was the father was Adam).No one could tell if the rumor was true or not, because even after Renost's birth, Adam didn't marry the young gypsy and continued to live with her against God's will .

The Benoit Family


Name: Adam Benoit
Born: 1576

Traits: Ambitious, Hard Worker, Giving, Loving

Romantic History: First wife, Alips Dupuis (dead)

Wife: Albine Dupuis (nee Bonnet)

Aspiration: Knowledge

Character Alignment: Evil
Class: Peasant

Name: Alips Benoit
Born: 1578 Died: 1599 (childbirth)

Traits: Loving, Caring, Practical, Careful

Romantic History: None

Husband: Adam Benoit

Aspiration: Fortune

Character Alignment: Virtuous
Class: Peasant

Adam and his wife knew each other since childhood, the two of them practically growing up together.So, there was no surprise for anyone that they got married of love, even if none of them could afford a marriage or a family.Even so, they seemed happy, with all the though work and days of fasting.
So, there is no wonder that when his wife died in childbirth, leaving him with their two children, Adam was devastated and on the verge of craziness.

Name: Albine Bonnet
Born: 1585 Traits: Mysterious, Charming, Reserved

Romantic History: Unknown

Husband: Adam Benoit

Aspiration: Knowledge

Character Alignment: Virtuous
Class: Peasant (nee gypsy)
Albine was born in the Gypsy Camp, so much of her past is unknown.What everybody knows is that she arrived at Adam's house soon after his wife's tragic death and she simply remained there.First to help him take care of children and house and then as his wife.Now the young girl became one of the most noted healers from the village.

Tiece Benoit (1597)

Ysane Benoit (1599)
Renost Bonnet (1602)
Sarre Bonnet (1607-1627)