marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

The Nallvir Family

The elves live a different life from mere humans.Not only they have superior intellects, but their inhuman beauty makes them almost God-like.They get married of love, not duty and they do not spend their life giving birth to children, raising them and hoping that some of them will survive.They love art and nature, but despise the sinful humans.They are immune to human diseases and their superior knowledge and long lifespans place them very close to immortals.
So Saerima, Aranion and their son, Seith Nallvir live their peaceful life in a small house into the woods, away from the ignorant human world.Their concepts about life are simply too different.At least for now ...


Name: Aranion Nallvir

Born: Unknown

Traits: Brilliant, Spirited, Protective, Calm, Curious, Careful

Romantic History: Unknown

Wife: Saerima Nallvir


Character Alignment: Neutral

Rang: Elf


Name: Saerima Nallvir

Born: Unknown

Traits: Affectionate, Stubborn, Sympathetic, Loyal, Simple, Confident

Romantic History: Unknown

Husband: Aranion Nallvir


Character Alignment: Neutral

Rang: Elf


Seith Nallvir

Ryul Nallvir

13 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Out of curiosity, do you speak French? I have a hunch that I am on a French Sims fan site.

Auteur des Rêves spunea...

Yes, I speak French just like I speak English (both French and English are foreign languages for me, but I studied them in school).
But I chose to write in English because I think there are many more people who understand this language and because I'm more comfortable this way.
The characters' names and some of the terms are in French only because I'm more familiarized with the French 17th century.But no, it is not a French Sims fan site ^^"

Anonim spunea...

I speak English and Spanish. Technically, English is my second language, and Spanish is my third. But since I moved to the US with my parents before I even started elementary school, I acquired English as my native tongue, and it's the language in which I am most proficient.

What is your first language?

Anonim spunea...

At the bottom of this page, it says "pagina de pornire". OK. I am sure that "pornire" does not mean "porn". However, by this wording, I think this blog's language is presumably Romanian. "Pagina" is page in Spanish. It's the Latin root word that catches my eye. Romanian is a Romance language, so I presume that you speak Romanian, correct?

Auteur des Rêves spunea...

That's it ^^ You're right.I'm Romanian ^^ English is my first language while French is my second.
Oh and you can be certain that "pornire" is not porn."Pagina de pornire" means "Home page" ^^"

Anonim spunea...

Where did you get the tables and dishes in the background of the first picture of this post? They look nice, giving a nice subtle medieval look.


You mean, Romanian is your first language, English your second, and French your third?

Anonim spunea...

Hi Auteur des Reves!

I just want to say that I like how your stories are going. It makes me want to jump into Warwickshire Challenge myself. Ha-ha. On the other hand, after reading Challenge 1.2 and 2.0, I think I would like to create an unauthorized adaption of the work before I do the actual challenge. There are some annoying that I would like to change, most notably the fact that the original challenge written by Heloise is written in terms of the Sim's point-of-view rather than the player's point-of-view. I am going to make my challenge more of a player's point-of-view and get back to you soon. Hopefully, my adaption is going to be neater, cleaner, more organized, and more practical for me than the two written by Heloise.

Auteur des Rêves spunea...

Well, yes, you can say that too.But when I said that English is my first language I mean my first foreign language (that I started to study in school).
But Romanian is my native language.

I'm so glad to see so many people around.I think I'll have to start organizing my blog now that there are gonna be many more families in this challenge.

Well, what can I say?I'm glad that you enjoy reading my stories and I hope you'll start playing this challenge too ^^ It's interesting and it keeps you busy, so you kind of don't have time to get bored.I think Heloise would agree with me that you can modify the challenge and play it as you like as long as you don't reassign it on another site.
I also changed some of the rules and adapted them to my style ^^
If you start blogging about your sims stories too, just leave me a link ^^ I would love to read them.

About the table and the dishes ... I'll answer a little later (I have to search for the link).

Anonim spunea...

That's exactly the issue right there. If I can't reassign it on another site, how will other people know exactly what changes I have made? I don't want to spell out every change possible on a single blog. I have changes to the structure, the formatting, and the latent gameplay style. The original Warwickshire as developed by Heloise assumes that the player plays with hacks, mods, and all the expansion packs, especially Seasons and Open For Business. So, what I am going to do is start a blog or website to host my Renaissance neighborhood and also add a copy of the original Warwickshire Challenge by Heloise and my unauthorized adaptation. I would make a specific, explicit note, saying that my adaptation is unauthorized; but I feel that my unauthorized adaptation is critical in comparing my changes with Heloise's original.

Hope you and Heloise understand. :)

Anonim spunea...

I will make clear that I do not intend to copy Heloise's work. I just want to show visually, with the actual document, that I have made some changes, and I want the reader(s) to acknowledge or know what changes I have made, so they can follow along. That is all. I hope that Heloise is OK with this and not accuse me of plagiarism.

Anonim spunea...

Oh, I must add something. I absolutely love this website and the history teachers' Youtube channel: It's clever, musical, funny, and great for music and history lovers! I love every single one of those songs, but my favorite is about the French Revolution. It is the song about the French Revolution that sums up Heloise's Renaissance Challenge very nicely. My favorite verse was "Don't want no church / Catholicism is dead / No room for God / Worship reason instead." I think this verse complements the Warwickshire Renaissance Challenge quite well, because Warwickshire is all about challenging the old way of philosophical thinking, yet wondering about the costs of this new, radical way of thinking. Watch it and enjoy! :D

Anonim spunea...

Will you ever upload your Sims and Lots to your blog?

Can you provide a list and directory of custom content used?

Auteur des Rêves spunea...

So, I'm back ^^
First ...

The table and the dishes were there when I downloaded the entire house (all my families' houses are downloaded ; I'm just not skilled enough to build them and keep everything historical accurate).Here is the link for the house (I consider it quite cute and just perfect for my elves).

Thank you very much for the link, I like the song about the French Revolution too, because that is also one of my favorite subjects ^^

Now, about my sims ^^" I downloaded them (all of them), so I think I can't upload any of them here without breaking some rules.If someone is still interested, I think I can upload those who were born in game (I just have to find out how, but that won't bee a problem ; I'm a quick learner).
About that custom content list ... I'm not sure that I can ^^" Mt CC folder currently has 42 407 items in it XD (what can I say? ^^" I'm quite addicted).
But I promise I will post a list with all those sites where I downloaded medieval stuff ^^

Thank you again for reading my stories ^^

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